Henry VIII

On the 28th June 1491, Henry VIII was born. He was King of England, married six times, initiated the English Reformation and appointed himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England. On top of this, the monarch also found the time to write some music. 

Listen to O My Heart as performed by the Hilliard Ensemble:

All of the Tudor and Stewart monarchs were musical and took a personal interest in the professional performers at their courts. Some of these court musicians were well-known, such as Robert Fayrfax, organist of St Alban's Abbey and first doctor of music at Cambridge, who served under Henry VIII. 

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Henry VIII (28 June 1491 - 28 January 1547)

Of his family, Henry VIII was probably the most musically gifted. He played numerous instruments: the lute, the organ, recorders, the flute, the harp and he had a good singing voice. He also owned an enormous collection of instruments: cornets, bagpipes, viols, lutes, flutes shawms (a double-reed woodwind instrument) and more than 150 recorders. 

Throughout his life, the monarch patronised (supported) musicians, with at least 60 on his staff at the end of his reign, not including his gentlemen and children of the Chapel Royal. Ambassadors frequently commented on the beautiful music at Henry's court. 

Listen to Without Discord as performed by Alamire: 

Sources: historyextra.com, Wikipedia


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